About Me



“When I did something small, I felt happier. When I felt jut a bit happier, I wanted to do just a bit more.”

Medium: Beating Creativity Burnout

Hi There!

My name is Colleen and I am a mother to twins — House Tirtirian, to be specific. (GoT fans?)

I started this page as a place to gather the various parts of my creative identity.

I began my professional life as a middle school language arts teacher. I then went back school to get my Master’s in Education with a focus on special education. From there, I taught grades 5 through 8.

After five years in the field, I switched my career path to help my husband out at his office. (GULP!) Yes, you read that right ... I worked alongside my husband. And yes, we are still married. After two years there, I left that job when we welcomed our twins into this world and it’s been a CRAZY ride ever since. I am now back at a part-time teaching job in the arts!

When our babies were born, I started my freelance writing and editing career with Carmen Cangiano at Relationship-development.com; I learned so much about the world of online publishing (and about how to be a work-from-home parent). It was an incredible learning experience for me.

As someone who always likes to go with the flow and keep things fresh, I believe that our identity is not defined by a single job or career path. Rather, we can take all the parts of who we are to lead a life of purpose. I am not a “brand” — I am a person who writes, who plays music, who creates art, and who loves her kids more than life itself.

I wanted a space to share these things with others. In fact, there will soon be a podcast about this very idea (coming this fall!)

So…welcome! I hope you will find something here that you enjoy. Whether you came here to check out my writing portfolio, my miniaturist work, or something related to parenting — welcome. I am so happy to have you here!